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Fluffy’s Holiday Gift Guide

December 15, 2023

Do you have your holiday shopping completed yet? Or do you prefer to wait until the last minute and do everything all at once? Whatever your approach, your kitty will be quite intrigued by all those bags and boxes you bring home. Fluffy might even assist with gift wrapping! Of course, your feline pal deserves her own gifts, too. Here are a few great gifts for cats from a local Rapid City, SD veterinarian.

Holiday Gifts For Kittens

Is your feline friend still a kitten? If so, you’re in for a wonderful holiday season with little Fluffy. (Remember to take lots of cute pictures!) 

Toys are of course the go-to here. You may want to hold off on the catnip for now, though: most cats aren’t susceptible to it until they are at least three months old. 

Cat furniture is great, but keep in mind that your furry pal will outgrow most kitten-sized items very quickly. Instead, opt for a cat tower with lots of nooks and crannies for your playful buddy to explore.

Adult Cats’ Holiday Gifts

Toys, toys, toys! Playthings are still a pawesome choice. Your feline friend will always appreciate having new playthings to push under the couch. Cats all have different tastes, so experiment with a few things, and see what your kitty likes best. 

By this time, your kitty will be able to partake in catnip. The classic catnip mouse is fine. Catnip birds, squirrels, and armadillos are also acceptable. You can also give Fluffy a live catnip plant, catnip bubbles, or catnip spray. 

Keep in mind that some cats will never really care for catnip. About half of our feline friends are immune to its effects. For kitties who don’t like catnip, honeysuckle cat toys can be a good alternative. For some reason, kitties who don’t like catnip often like honeysuckle. (We’ll just add that one to the list of cat mysteries.)

Cat Gifts For Seniors

As Fluffy enters her golden years, she may prefer relaxing in a cozy spot under the tree rather than trying to knock it down. Comfort is king when it comes to older cats. Get your furry pal some things that make life a little easier for her, such as pet ramps or stairs or perhaps a litter box designed specifically for seniors. You can also get your pet some grooming furniture, such as something with a roller brush that she can rub against. Senior cats often have trouble grooming themselves, so your kitty may appreciate the extra beauty tools. 

Fluffy will still enjoy pet furniture such as cat towers, cat shelves, scratching posts, window seats, and/or catwalks.

Modern Cat Gifts

There are now all sorts of fun modern gadgets for our feline overlords. You can get Fluffy a remote-controlled toy, a smart mouse, or an automated laser pointer. There are even games made just for cats to play on a smartphone or tablet. (This is a great way to repurpose an old phone or tablet.) 

While we recommend keeping cats indoors, if you do let Fluffy roam, you may want to get her a GPS tag.

You can also buy Fluffy some programmable paw pads that speak specific words when the cat steps on them. These new products make it easier than ever for cats to boss their humans around. 

Simple Cat Gifts

Some of our feline friends have quite simple tastes. One surefire way to score some purrs is to give your furry friend the empty boxes after everyone has opened their gifts. You can even build your feline overlord a castle. This is a great project for kids!

DIY Options For Cat Gifts

On the topic of kids’ projects, there are many great opportunities for DIY feline toys. For instance, you can make your own catnip mice. Start by cutting two matching pieces of fabric and sewing them together with the exterior sides facing inwards. Then, stitch around the edges, leaving a small opening. Use this hole to pull the fabric through. Stuff it with catnip before sewing it closed. Voila!

Homeless Cat Gifts

At any given time, there are millions of cute, sweet cats in shelters, all hoping for a loving home. These poor kitties only want a cozy lap to curl up on, and for someone to offer them the love and affection they crave. 

A forever home would be the ultimate gift for any of these precious cats. However,  adopting a cat is a big decision, and should never be made hastily. (Note: the Universal Cat Distribution System is an exception here. If you happen to find a kitty on your step, then you may have been chosen. However, that’s another topic.) 

There are also other ways to help homeless cats. Providing monetary contributions or donating items to a local shelter or even sponsoring a needy cat in need of medical attention are all wonderful ways to give back.

Stray and feral kitties could also use some help. You can put out cat shelters in your neighborhood. All you need are some storage totes. Place one inside the other with newspaper in between, cut a small doorway on one side, and add a soft blanket. This small gesture can really help keep a scared, struggling cat warm at night. Ask your veterinarian in Rapid City, SD for more information.

Fluffy’s Favorite Things

Cat beds are pretty much a universal gift. Kitties can never have too many napping spots! Store-bought beds are fine, but you can also make one yourself with an old suitcase, drawer, or crate. These are great ways to reuse something you don’t use anymore!

Also on the list of Fluffy’s most wanted items? Cat towers. 

Scratching posts or boards are also good choices. There are some really cute scratching posts and boards out there now. Fluffy can do her nails on a manicure station that looks like a banana, a taco, a cactus, a hippie van, or a dj turntable. You can also pick something that matches your decor.

Picking Safe Gifts 

When shopping for Fluffy, always put her safety first. Steering clear of toys with small components that could pose a choking or strings that could be an entanglement risk for your cat. It’s also wise to refrain from purchasing pet products from other countries, as their quality standards may not be very rigorous. (Unfortunately, items containing harmful substances like BPAS and lead have made their way onto the market. But let’s save that discussion for another time.) For additional guidance and advice, feel free to reach out to your trusted Rapid City, SD vet.

Final Tips

You should also consider your furball’s personality. Shy cats may enjoy comfort items, while bold, adventurous cats may benefit from an exercise wheel. Last but not least, don’t be surprised if Fluffy ignores her new gifts and decides to play with a ball of wrapping paper or a bottle cap. You just never know with kitties! 

Happy Holidays from all of us here at Dakota Hills Veterinary Clinic! We wish you a wonderful and beautiful season. As your Rapid City, SD animal clinic, we are dedicated to offering top quality veterinary care and service. Contact us anytime!

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