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Reptiles For Kids: Yay Or Nay

December 1, 2024

Is your child preoccupied with dinosaurs? This is not unusual at all. Many kids are captivated by huge lizards! However, if your child is also wanting a pet, you may be able to combine the two. Reptiles may make excellent companions for kids! This article includes advice from a local Rapid City, SD veterinarian on getting your child their first reptilian pet.

What Are the Advantages of Getting Reptiles For Children?

Reptiles are obviously not for everyone, and that’s perfectly fine! They do, however, have some particular qualities.

Let’s discuss a couple of them:

No Training Required: Dogs, on the other hand, require a significant amount of training to understand the dos and don’ts of being a good pet. (Cats usually train their humans.) Reptiles don’t need to learn anything; they’re perfectly pleased with doing what comes naturally.

No Toys Needed: To be fair, you will have to make your pet’s environment enjoyable and intriguing for them. However, you will not need to pick up balls or catnip mice on a regular basis.

No Foul Odours: This is another big plus. You should not have to deal with any odors as long as you (or your child) keep your reptile companion’s habitat clean.

Minimal Day-To-Day Care: Reptiles are relatively low-maintenance. You won’t need to walk or play with them. Some don’t even eat every day!

Clean: Another advantage of choosing a reptile? You will not return home to find a mess on the floor!

Beautiful Habitats: This may not be the first thing that springs to mind, but a well-designed reptile home can actually be very appealing and interesting.

Reptiles Are Cute. Okay, to be fair, not everyone is going to agree with us on this one. However, many reptiles are really cute!

They’re Quiet: We adore our canine and feline friends, but they can be a bit loud. Dogs can make enough noise to cause problems with neighbors. However, this is not something you will need to be concerned about with reptiles!

Easy On Allergies: No animal is totally hypoallergenic. However, reptiles can be an excellent alternative for children with allergies. They have no fur or dander, and they are housed in a contained habitat.

What Are the Drawbacks Of Owning A Pet Reptile?

It’s always interesting to see how different people respond to different types of pets. What is positive to one person may be negative to another.

Here are a couple things that might not be as tempting.

Squick Factor: Some folks are just naturally afraid or disgusted by reptiles. If the mere concept of having a lizard or a snake in your home makes you uncomfortable, this may not be the best option for your family.

Diet: Many reptiles consume bugs, worms, and mice. If you’re uncomfortable or simply don’t want to deal with the possibility that your pet’s food may still be moving when you deliver it, you should reconsider. Of course, this isn’t universal: some reptiles, such as iguanas, are vegetarian.

Size: Some reptiles never get very big at all. Green anoles, for example, grow to only a few inches long. There are also a lot of smaller frogs and turtles. On the other end of the scale, there are several reptiles that grow extremely large. Both Burmese and reticulated pythons can grow to be very huge.

Habitat Upkeep: Reptiles need specific environmental conditions, which in turn require specialized equipment. You will also need to monitor the environment carefully, and ensure that your child learns correctly when they are old enough.

Power: Another factor to consider is how much electricity the habitat uses.

Salmonella: You and your child will need to be extremely careful to fully wash your hands before and after handling your reptiles. This, of course, will be a greater concern for a five-year-old than an older youngster.

How Do You Select a Reptile for a Child?

Every animal is a little different. Reptiles all have unique care needs … and unique charms. That said, some are definitely not suitable for children.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Leopard Gecko
  • Bearded Dragons
  • Corn Snakes
  • Crested Gecko
  • Ball Python
  • Milk Snake
  • King Snakes
  • Blue-Tongued Skinks
  • White’s Tree Frog

Be sure to find a great Rapid City, SD vet. You’ll also need to be sure to go through a reputable store or breeder.

Make An Appointment At Our Rapid City, SD Animal Clinic

Do you have questions about reptile health or care? Contact us, your Rapid City, SD pet clinic, anytime.

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